Vertical labret piercing bump

It’s been a month and 1 week and about almost 2 weeks ago my piercing started getting this bump? Like skin bump? I’ve never really have had a bump like this for my piercings… I’ve had piercings but not my lip before so this one just makes me overthink alot, I have snagged it a few times but seemed fine kept cleaning it and no bump at the time. is it healing fine? No pain but sometimes just feels sore or uncomfortable, get crusty sometimes which I know is pretty normal but I’m scared the bump won’t go away, I clean it 2-3x a day warm water soaks to help with softening the crusty and then I spray saline

It’s been a month and 1 week and about almost 2 weeks ago my piercing started getting this bump? Like skin bump? I’ve never really have had a bump like this for my piercings… I’ve had piercings but not my lip before so this one just makes me overthink alot, I have snagged it a few times but seemed fine kept cleaning it and no bump at the time. is it healing fine? No pain but sometimes just feels sore or uncomfortable, get crusty sometimes which I know is pretty normal but I’m scared the bump won’t go away, I clean it 2-3x a day warm water soaks to help with softening the crusty and then I spray saline
